However I have now been programming in Delphi for 15 years. It's starting to get a bit boring and it's time to kick-start the brain again. While Delphi will be my main language for the near future, I am going to make the effort to learn something different.
The main things I am looking for in my language de jour are
- Dynamically typed (I have done statically typed languages for decades)
- Popular (general rule of thumb, should be at least as popular as delphi)
- Object Orientated
- Cross platform
- Batteries included
Part of the reason for going with Python is the presence of the Python for Delphi components. These promise to let you use python as a scripting language inside delphi apps. These components are used in the PyScripter ide.
The easiest way I have found to get started is to use Portable Python. This will put Python and a few tools (inc. PyScripter) into a portable drive along with a few tools and useful modules such as Django. This is considerably easier for a python newbie than sourcing and installing the packages separately.
Some useful links to get started with:
Official website
Official python tutorial (v2.6)
Dive onto python online book (useful but a bit old)
Pycon US 2009 videos
Reddit python feed